Wednesday 28 December 2011

A Bohemian Christmas

Christmas is a time for relaxing- seems an odd idea, doesn't it? Perhaps I should rephrase that. Christmas is supposed to be a time for relaxing. It often isn't. But that's ok, because winter itself usually sticks around for a bit either side of the festive days themselves. So when the house has calmed down a bit, it's time to unwind in some peace and quiet if you can.

If you happen to have been very lucky, you may well have been given some items for Christmas that will help your relaxation endeavours. But if not, don't worry- because it's the season for giving, and that surely must include yourself at some point.

Between them, my family and friends have most certainly done their bit to aid my idea of a Bohemian winter-time. Except a fireplace. I still don't have one of those. Cursed new-build properties...

All the other ingredients have appeared, though, and come recommended, gift or not.

1. An interesting new book. You can't go wrong with this- and hardbacks carry an extra credibility. This year, my anorak-like interest in World War Two in London was addressed by my dad:
Any book featuring showgirls wearing gasmasks cannot fail to be interesting.

2. Next, it's vital to have a hot drink (at least to start off with). From here, I take my cue from my mum, who presented me with a selection of teas from the excellent Whittards.
It's a real shame that Whittards are in financial difficulties. They are a great shop, accessible in a way that the smaller tea and coffee speciality shops are not (a publicity issue, rather than a criticism of the actual shops).

3. Now, of course, you need to have a classy mug in which to drink your chosen beverage. I have long been a fan of the range of classic Penguin book mugs, and received this one as my fourth:
Plenty still left to get hold of. They look fantastic and are the perfect accompaniment to a spot of reading. If you can get the title to match your interests, moods (Thinking to Some Purpose, for instance) or general thoughts (Great Expectations), then so much the better.

4. Music. This season's new addition to my CD rack will doubtless provide the perfect atmosphere:
5. And to complete the picture, and ensure quality audio...Sennheiser can help out there:

I should add that these are genuine things I have received- there are other varieties of all these things available, and I have not been asked to endorse them! They do, however, add up to a truly Bohemian experience and I'm eternally grateful to the givers.

If you can, get yourself some peace and quiet, a good book and a warm drink, and get down to some real festive spirit. It does wonders.
