Wednesday 28 December 2011

A Bohemian Christmas

Christmas is a time for relaxing- seems an odd idea, doesn't it? Perhaps I should rephrase that. Christmas is supposed to be a time for relaxing. It often isn't. But that's ok, because winter itself usually sticks around for a bit either side of the festive days themselves. So when the house has calmed down a bit, it's time to unwind in some peace and quiet if you can.

If you happen to have been very lucky, you may well have been given some items for Christmas that will help your relaxation endeavours. But if not, don't worry- because it's the season for giving, and that surely must include yourself at some point.

Between them, my family and friends have most certainly done their bit to aid my idea of a Bohemian winter-time. Except a fireplace. I still don't have one of those. Cursed new-build properties...

All the other ingredients have appeared, though, and come recommended, gift or not.

1. An interesting new book. You can't go wrong with this- and hardbacks carry an extra credibility. This year, my anorak-like interest in World War Two in London was addressed by my dad:
Any book featuring showgirls wearing gasmasks cannot fail to be interesting.

2. Next, it's vital to have a hot drink (at least to start off with). From here, I take my cue from my mum, who presented me with a selection of teas from the excellent Whittards.
It's a real shame that Whittards are in financial difficulties. They are a great shop, accessible in a way that the smaller tea and coffee speciality shops are not (a publicity issue, rather than a criticism of the actual shops).

3. Now, of course, you need to have a classy mug in which to drink your chosen beverage. I have long been a fan of the range of classic Penguin book mugs, and received this one as my fourth:
Plenty still left to get hold of. They look fantastic and are the perfect accompaniment to a spot of reading. If you can get the title to match your interests, moods (Thinking to Some Purpose, for instance) or general thoughts (Great Expectations), then so much the better.

4. Music. This season's new addition to my CD rack will doubtless provide the perfect atmosphere:
5. And to complete the picture, and ensure quality audio...Sennheiser can help out there:

I should add that these are genuine things I have received- there are other varieties of all these things available, and I have not been asked to endorse them! They do, however, add up to a truly Bohemian experience and I'm eternally grateful to the givers.

If you can, get yourself some peace and quiet, a good book and a warm drink, and get down to some real festive spirit. It does wonders.


Saturday 3 September 2011

Arsenal Stadium Tour

After returning from Scotland it was off to North London for a tour of my beloved (and arguably beleaguered) football club. After cutting it a little bit fine and then striking it unlucky on the Tube, I did in fact miss the start of the tour, and was lucky to be allowed in after a passing staff member felt generous enough to let in a family who were making even more of an "oh no" face than I was. We caught up with the rest of the tour group in the Diamond Club seats. They say there are no bad seats in this stadium and it's true. But some are better- and more upholstered and costly- than others.

We were told some astonishing stories about just how long the waiting list is for Diamond Club, and how incredibly expensive it is. Impressive, but of course it is all the more annoying on match days when you see empty seats here, and at Club Level too.

Next it was downstairs again to see where the players come in, starting with the brand new crest to celebrate the 125th year of the club's existence, and the time capsule placed by Thierry Henry and Patrick Vieria a few years ago.

I used to work with Michael Thomas' sister. To my shame I hadn't really heard much about him and his legendary goal until she said her brother had once been a striker for Arsenal. At first I thought she must have meant as a reserve or youth player once, but when she told me the name I was amazed to find it was the man himself, stuff of legend and even featured in the Fever Pitch film (which I saw screened on the Emirates pitch earlier the year- the moment of the last-minute winner got a cheer, as it was the best we'd felt that month after Carling Cup and Champions League exits).

Next we headed to the Home dressing room. The away dressing room was out of bounds on account of the fact it was having its already (deliberately- mind games) smooth floor polished. Apparently it also has harsher lighting, no cushions and is shaped in the least Feng-Shui manner possible.
Unlike the Home dressing room:
 The physio room is just off the dressing room. I get the impression this is used a lot, being Arsenal.
 I would LOVE one of these in my house. Jacuzzi with full body massage seats. Not allowed before games, apparently, as it relaxes the players too much. Odd, as our defenders often seem pretty relaxed all of the time anyway.
 Then we went pitchside. Having already walked on the pitch (and had a beer on the halfway line) earlier in the year, this was a slight anti-climax, thus making me feel utterly spoiled. I did get a closer look at the staff and players' seating, though. Apparently Arsene Wenger's seat is No.13. Wonder what it was at Old Trafford. 82, perhaps.

 Next stop: press room. There is a translator's booth behind where I took the picture from.
 And finally (not counting the walk through the car park to the shop), we saw the fairly awesome facilities that are made available to the press so they can sit and criticise our style of play and transfer policies in comfort. They have been voted best press football ground facilities for the press in Europe.
When the tour was over, it was back to Arsenal tube station where I had the rare feeling of leaving the Emirates without having to stand in a huge, pressing crowd for half an hour. I return for the Swansea game on the 10th September, where I hope to see some of the new panic buys players brought in as part of our development and title challenge.
Next blog will be up soon, with an account of a first ever visit to Barcelona...

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Scottish Scenes

In April this year I sat outside a cafe in Aviemore, impressed at the warmth of the day. I remarked to my travel companion that when I had last visited, the previous August, it had been torrentially rainy and more than a little chilly.

It came as no surprise, then, that I visited again this August, it was a similar tale. Only this time, there was a delayed train and exploding coffee cup into the bargain. I think I shall book my next visit to that nonetheless spectacular part of the country in December- then I be guaranteed sunshine and warmth, surely.

This summer's northern adventure was largely to see family. Here are the photographic highlights of my travels.

Had to snap a picture of this orginal L-plate VW Beetle, parked just off the Royal Mile in Edinburgh.

It was in remarkably good condition considering its age and the weather.

At Family Outpost No. 1, the cats got some camera time. More of these in a future blog.

Crossing the Forth Bridge we spotted this huge passenger liner.

The fast-flowing River Nethy, taken from the Nethy Bridge itself

At the ever-popular Strathspey Railway, this was the highlight of the vintage adverts.

Meanwhile, back at Family Outpost No. 2, an abandoned cottage caught my imagination. This used to be lived in during summer months. It had no electricity. Based on this summer's weather it's a good thing they did have fireplaces!

Frozen in time, a peek through the window.

And that was Scotland for another holiday. Then it was back to London, where the highlight was a tour of Arsenal's Emirates Stadium- blog to follow.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Moving Scenes

Taxi waiting outside down the path from my door
As I give myself the thirty-year farewell tour
Through rooms and spaces
Where I ran my first races
Family’s destination of '82
Family book was only open a page or two
Before the world I knew
Where the family tree grew
Going from low to high,
To speak, learn and try
Crawling on all fours, years or more
All the trips and falls
Among these four walls
We stamp our identity
In this western corner of  our city modernity
Redefined as the time goes by
Monday to Friday, go to school, work hard
Try not to be too naughty
Revise on Sunday to the Top 40
And then some
Capital hits of the 90s Jensen
Who’s the Kid? Not him, looking it back on it now,
Upstairs looking tidy- yes or maybe no,
This house audience to an era of radio
Then it was analogue, now it’s digital
Faster, yes, but have we really made more sense of it all?
We put hopes and fears
Even a son or a daughter,
Adding whole life stories to these bricks and mortar,
Now everyone telling how they’re so very sure
That it’s very hard to close that kind of door
Memories come as close as they can get to purity,
It’s not the material but the visual security,
Over nearly 3 decades, so now one less key on my chain,
Time to find a new umbrella to keep out the rain,
But let the sun shine bright, now the future gleams,
Taxi’s pulling away , pulling down
The curtain on these moving scenes.
© BlancVerse 2011

Monday 2 May 2011

24 hours in Cornwall

The final excursion of the Easter holiday was completed with a lightning quick visit to Cornwall. Last time I went there it was August and offered severe cycling (for charity) and wild variations in weather. This time, despite the earlier time of year, it was much warmer- and no need to pedal up vertical hills.
As the best journeys seem to, the adventure began with the overnight sleeper- this time from Paddington:
Night Riviera
The service was very friendly and in most regards the setup was the same as the Scotrail one, although there seemed to be more confusion in the booking- even though I had a solo berth, both beds were set up meaning a bit less room and no access to the special TV service. But, if truth be told, having the top bunk down meant it felt cosier underneath, so I can't complain. 

A few hours later, and after 3 seconds of sheer panic when I thought I'd locked myself in the train toilet on approach to the station,  I disembarked at St Austell. I had a 90-minute wait until the first bus to the Eden Project, and there's not a whole lot to do there at that time of the morning. After naming two seagulls (Susan and Steve), reading the Guardian and watching the commuters come and go, I found myself on Bus 101. I was the first member of the public to arrive at Eden, by which time the day was in full swing and my first glimpse of the place was stunning:
At this point the place was still basically deserted and none of the food outlets seemed open at that point. So I tentatively entered the Mediterranean Biome, hoping that the cafes would spring into life soon, before I sprang out of it through hunger. I was immediately impressed:
Spanish garden
Some plants from the Med

Before long, though, the need for refreshment had me hunting a cafe once more, and I headed for the Core. On the way, I snapped the impressive model of a man made out of electrical waste- the detail was amazing (his teeth are computer mice). It reminded me of the Iron Giant somehow- great art. 

The Core offered Jo's Cafe, more cosy and intimate than the huge places back at The Link at that point, and I set myself up with a great little breakfast in what felt like a remote hotel balcony of some sort:

It should have come as no surprise that the birds are more tame around there, and sure enough this blackbird was caught in the act of hopping off the chair to pick up some scone crumbs...

And before long the robin wanted in on the act, too:

Daylight robinry

Back to the Biomes, starting with a more comprehensive look at the Mediterranean before heading to the Rainforest.


"Aloe aloe aloe."

The Rainforest Biome seems to be the main focus of Eden, not least because of the realism of the environment. The biomes let UV in, and the place is vast, with aspects of the cultures of its countries thrown in for effect, too. A highlight was the Malaysian area and the recreated hut:

The heat and crowds were just enough to turn me away from the 40 minute queue to the top of the biome, so a lunch break followed, then off for a last look around the Outdoor Biome- highlights included the sculpture in the 'field'...

And the sparkling view as the sun beat down. 

Eden was completed with a last visit to Jo's cafe and then off back to St Austell. After some fun and games finding the ticket machine, I caught possibly the cheapest-looking train to Penzance. Where, it turns out, there are very few ways to spend two and a half hours in the evening. The nicer bits of the seafront were inaccessible anywhere near the station and lots of places were closed. So, equipped with refreshments and my iPod, I steeled myself for the wait, and watched the sun go down over Penzance until the sleeper arrived and was ready for boarding

And so ended my Cornish adventure. 

Eden is a fantastic place and with the annual entry pass you get automatically, I intend to be back within the year. 

And now: back to the grindstone! 

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Going North

An extended Easter break allowed me to dedicate just under a week to a visit to Scotland. A very enjoyable one it was, too. Planned in meticulous detail to ensure maximum fun, it all started with the overnight sleeper on a Sunday night from Euston. It's one of only two sleeper services left in the UK and so it feels pretty novel. It also saves 5 hours of daytime travel and is a surprisingly soporific way to travel.
About to leave Euston, around 11.30pm

It's cosy inside...

A modest breakfast but it does the job! The yoghurt is impressive.

After arriving in Edinburgh it was off to Cento Tre in George Street for a more comprehensive breakfast and some of the strongest coffee I've ever set lips upon! Not a bad set of surroundings to have breakfast in, either:

From pillows to pillars

Then off to spend some quality time with D and C at Dalkeith. Two days of peace allowed for a whole load of casual creative work to be done as the weather stayed sunny for occasional bits of chilling out in the garden. Two hyperactive kittens and one occasionally energetic cat added to the atmosphere.

Then Wednesday was a day of relative excitement. Into Edinburgh twice! The first time I took a few shots from Princes St Gardens looking back to the city. This was the pick, as it includes the daffodils:

Then it was back for a brilliant curry courtesy of C, including a last-gasp Sticky Toffee Pie, consumed at the last possible moment before departure for Edinburgh again, this time just me and D (the pater) to catch the train up to Aviemore. We arrived late in the evening and made it to the B&B (Eriskay).
Crossing the Forth Rail Bridge

Thursday was packed. A good breakfast then straight down the road to hire bikes from Mike's Bikes. Once we'd got used to the powerful hydraulic brakes it was off to Aviemore Station to catch the steam train to Boat of Garten. From there we cycled to Loch Garten RSPB Reserve to try and see the ospreys. There wasn't much going on since the laying of an egg hours earlier, but it was a nice little visit and the weather was excellent...
All aboard...

The bikes, which were like weapons in terms of suspension and brakes.

Time for a photo before heading off.

That done, it was off to Nethy Bridge to pick up D's aunt (my Great aunt) for lunch at Revach. We stopped at the old Nethy Bridge Station en route, which is long defunct but atmospheric.

D walks along where the track used to be.

Looking back to where the trains used to come from.

After lunch it was back on the bikes, up to Broomhill where the station staff predicted Arsenal would win the league. He must know something nobody else does, like...well, how on earth it's going to be possible.
On the approach to Broomhill

Bike, open road, mountains, no headwind...does it get any better?

Signals at Broomhill

The train prepares to come in after some technical difficulty...

An impressive engine!

A bit of a break in Aviemore followed, sitting outside for refreshments before heading back to the station and then home to Edinburgh. In no time, the Sunday 11am train to London was sitting at Platform 19 at Waverley and it was time to head back to Bien Londres. But the holiday doesn't end there, thank heavens. London chilling out and a lightning trip to to the Eden Project all beckon before the grindstone calls its workers back. Best make the most of it!